Welcome to Faustas - Ąžuolas Bagdonas blog!
This web site has been launched in 2013 and it was online only for a few weeks. Now, in 2019 I decided to revive it. It was hosted on Raspberry PI. I created it because of homework assignment at university (VGTU).
I was going to keep it online for a long time but my raspberry pi died because of lightning (believe it or not). Reason of death: main SoC died. Some time later I bought another Raspberry PI (since I could not replace SoC) but I constantly need card and other things for various reasons
so finnaly I shut down my website and I didn't find enough time to update its content. I am sure that now I will not have much time to
update its content frequently but at least it will be running on other server (now it is hosted at Awardspace - really good hosting).
Website contains some things which does not make sense, such as Catalog (Katalogas), photos in gallery, presentation on homepage. These were requirements of the homework. I will gradually
remove these things. Also I will remove useless articles and translate menus to English. All new content will be available only in English.
This website will be a blog and contain the following topics:
- Programming
- Electronics
- Ecology related (mostly from programming and electronics perspective)
Some thing are corrupted. Maybe due to export/import problems.
Website is running on my custom CMS :-) . I had to create it ASAP so I didn't care about security. So this website can be easily hacked. But I didn't care about that for now and I happy that I revived it only with a little efforts. Even my guestbook can be easily spammed (no captcha). It would be interesting if somebody will hack it.
Now it is under construction: working on new design and a little bit on content.
This is my obsolete website which I found on one of my floppy disks. It is even less useful.
Ivykis:I am going to rewrite my websiteAprasymas:My website still does not have any meaningful content except my portfolio. Moreover, it uses PHP and PHP is becoming obsolete. I want to learn new technologies so I am going to completely rewrite my website. The new version will use Node.js and modern features of HTML5 and CSS. Nowadays I am learning Javascript.
Ivykis:I hope that I will add meaningful contentAprasymas:I hope that in a few years I will finally write a first article which will be actually meaningful.
Ivykis:New captchaAprasymas:I implemented a very dumb captcha. I hope it will keep bots away.
Ivykis:I uploaded many downloadsAprasymas:I uploaded some abandonware and my mostly useless personal projects.
Ivykis:Changed domain nameAprasymas:I finally bought a domain afaustas.eu because subdomains dx.am and mywebcommunity.org are blacklisted on Facebook and linked-in!!!
Ivykis:Working on beautiful themeAprasymas:Work in progress very very very slowly.
Ivykis:Worst design theme updateAprasymas:Now it is even possible to read articles directly from the most horrible theme!!!
Ivykis:Awful theme has been addedAprasymas:I created awful theme using Bootstrap 4. It barely works. Now I will work on the beautiful one. That one is simple!
Ivykis:Comment section has been addedAprasymas:Super easily exploitable comment section has been added! It even does not use CAPTCHA and you can write comments which uses HTML! Spammers, hackers and etc are welcome!!!
Ivykis:Switched to PHP 7 from PHP 5Aprasymas:That fixed some things since my website perhaps was written with PHP greater than 5.
Ivykis:Android nebevaldoAprasymas:Because Android is too overbloated
Ivykis:Web site has been revivedAprasymas:Finally I revived my website which was offline for 6 year!
Ivykis:Raspberry PI zemelapio nuorodaAprasymas:Raspberry PI zemelapio nuoroda
Ivykis:Rarpberry PI žemėlapisAprasymas:Lietuvoje registruotų Raspberry skaicius nesiekia vos 30. Idomu, kad didesnis kiekis (4; 11) registruotas viesbuciuose.