Fausto Azuolo bagdono asmeninis tinklapis
Welcome to Faustas Ąžuolas BAGDONAS home page!
I like to learn computer science, programming, electronic and wanted to share my projects online to find more people who are interested in this.
Currently I know C/C++ programming language, something about 8086 assembler, learned WinAPI, GDI basics, can design something using AVR uC, learning
analog electronic...
I understand that this web site has only very plain and simple design, but its purpose is only to give information. I am not very interested in web
design, but I am working with that on other web sites whose you can find on the menu. Also, simple design means that page loads quicker (important of people who
are still using very slow connection or slow computers).
- Programming projects:
- Analog electronics projects:
- AM/FM transmitter project
- Simplest alarm project (Quick & Dirty)
- Digital electronic projects:
- Calculator "AF-CALC 100" project using AVR Atmega 32 uC
- Aquarium heater (that was my physic project; only for demonstration can be used!)
- LED board - only beginning, unfinnished because of lack of money
- My Web Design projects
- Vija - Not bad design but very poor menu, JavaScript and banner parts. I designed this for one teacher about 2.5 year ago. Was a second web page which was created by me. Now it is abandoned and I probably will delete it.
- I am working with design of important website. It still not hosted.
- Repair works:
- Ðilelis 402D repair
- Compaq LTE 286 repair
- ECS K7S5A motherboard repair
- USB flash modification
- ...
- My favourite books
- Pools
- About myself
- Contacts
Coming soon...
© 2011, Faustas Àþuolas BAGDONAS.