Unknown Letters Solver (working, Quick & Dirty version)

One day my mother gave me database file (CSV file converted to MS excel file) with many people names, sirnames, emails and other information. Then asked me to guess unknown letters in names & sirnames, whose were replaced with question ('?') marks. In the database file was about 20000 records or more! I was to lazy to do that. So, I decided to write a program which did that task for me.

I need to mention that writting a program was harder and probably more time comfusing, but very INTERESTING work ;-) . But after some months she gave that task again for me and I could use my program again.

Here is description from the source code file, currently only in Lithanian language:

/* ===========================================================
 * PROGRAM: Unknown Letters Solver
 * VERSION: 1.04
 * -----------------------------------------------------------
 * Tekstineje (naud. ASCII ar UTF-8 koduote).csv duomenu baze-
 * je, kurioje surasyti vardai ir pavardes,  programa  suranda
 * irasus su trukstamais simboliais  (jie turi  buti  pazymeti
 * '?'), ir juos bando nuspeti.Pradzioje speja pagal salia nu-
 * rodyta e-mail adresa, o tada bando ieskoti  vardu/pavardziu
 * su spejamais simboliais internete (naudoja "Bing") ir kai
 * spejimo budu suranda daugiausia rezultatu, tai  tas raides,
 * su kuriomis buvo suformuluota daugiausia  rezultatu  davusi
 * uzklausa, suraso i rezultatu faila. Jei niekaip  nepavyksta
 * nieko rasti per "Bing",tai raides nuspejamos atsitiktinu-
 * mo budu. .CSV duomenu bazes struktura:
 * +-------------------------------------------------------+
 * |"Vard?s";"Pavarde";"email@domain.com";"kiti";"duomenys"|  <-- Source database should be in such format (csv file)
 * |"Vard?s";"Pav?rde";"";"kiti";"duomenys2"               |
 * |"Vardas";"Pa??rde";"email@domain.com";"kiti";"duomenys"|
 * `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`
 * ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,   
 * |"Paskutinis";"Irasas";"invalid";"kiti";"duomenys"      |
 * +-------------------------------------------------------+
 *       ----> USE THIS PROGRAM AT YOUR OWN RISK! <----
 * -----------------------------------------------------------
 *  1.0  - Initial version
 *  1.01 - Some bugfixes:
 *         1. Invalid references then solving UTF-8 data
 *		   2. Improved error checking (but not completed yet!)
 *		   3. Improved communication with "Bing" algorithm
 *		   4. Added ability to enter how much questions try to
 *		      solve via "Bing". *
 *  1.02 - Some bugfixes:
 *		   1. Fixed some major bugs in unknown letters solu-
 *            tion by email address algorithm.
 *		   2. Improved search via "Bing". 
 *  1.03 - Improved accuracy of solution
 *  1.04 - 1. Changed search engine. Now this program uses 
 *            "Bing" because "Google" now don't allow automated 
 *            queues.
 *         2. Added ability to cancel conversion
 *         3. Now record solved by random are marked as RANDOM
 *            in destination file.
 *  (P.S.: Sorry for my poor English.)
 * -----------------------------------------------------------
 * (c)COPYLEFT 2010, Àþuolas - Faustas BAGDONAS
 * Programa leidziama visiems modifikuoti, tobulinti, taikyti
 * saviems tikslams. Tai tera Quick & Dirty  versija,  skirta
 * mano asmeninems poreikiams.
 * =========================================================== */

If there are more people who need such suftware, please write to me (afaustas [eta] gmail [dot] com), I will try to improve it, make more user friendly.

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