

WARNING: Abandonware section contains software which is not written by me but is very obsolete. If you are developer of any of these applications and if you don't like that I share your software write me a message to afaustas (at) gmail(dot)com and I will remove it ASAP. Most of Lithuanian software is reupladed from old version of website. That version can be found in web archive (year 2005) but many links are dead.

Name: Morzė
Morse code trainer developed by Drobulė software company which does not exist anymore.
Size: ??? kiBOS: MS-DOSArchitecture: 8086
Year: 1993Download (0) Comments (?)

Name: Paskalio kalbos mokomoji programa
Paskalio kalbos mokomoji programa
Lithuanian software for teaching Pascal programming language. Developed by S. Rupeikis and A. Verseckas. Reuploaded from eMokykla.
Size: ??? kiBOS: MS-DOSArchitecture: 8086
Year: 1995Download (0) Comments (?)

Name: WIFE

You have to answer some questions and this software decides what kind of wife is most suitable for you.

In my case conclusion was something like you would like you wife to be an independent and wise woman.

Actually it is part of "GRAMMAR" software.

Size: ??? kiBOS: MS-DOSArchitecture: 8086
Year: 1989Download (0) Comments (?)

Name: Grammar
English grammar lectures in Russian language.
Size: ??? kiBOS: MS-DOSArchitecture: 8086
Year: 1989Download (0) Comments (?)

Name: Kelių eismo taisyklės (KET), Freeware
Kelių eismo taisyklės (KET), Freeware
Software which tests your knowledge of Road traffic rules in Lithuania in 1996.
Size: ??? kiBOS: MS-DOSArchitecture: 8086
Year: 1996Download (0) Comments (?)

Name: Klavietūros treniruoklis nr. 1
Klavietūros treniruoklis nr. 1
It helps to improve typing speed. It uses Lithuanian sentences. Developed by Virginijus Vilkas.
Size: ??? kiBOS: MS-DOSArchitecture: 8086
Year: 1993Download (0) Comments (?)

Name: Klausimanija
A question game. Only in Lithuanian language. Original website still works but not maintained and there is no link to the game. Developed by Paulius Jačionis. Game website: .
Size: ??? kiBOS: MS Windows (32 bit)Architecture: x86
Year: 2004Download (0) Comments (?)

Name: WinLED v3.2
WinLED v3.2

This is a Lithuanian - English and Lithuanian - German dictionary.

Since Google Translate and many new and a lot better dictionaries exist I think developers will not be unhappy if I will share it just for historical purposes. Sometimes I like to take a look at old software and I guess other people may like to do that as well (otherwise websites, such as "WinWorld" would not have so much abandonware software). If you are developer and you do not like that contact me via email afaustas (at) gmail (dot) com and I will remove it ASAP.

Size: ??? kiBOS: MS Windows 3.1Architecture: x86
Year: 1996Download (0) Comments (?)

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